Sponsorship Target 2023-2024

New Constitution

A draft copy of our new constitution to be adopted at our next Annual General Meeting is available in the DOCUMENTS section of this website and also on display on the noticeboard at the studio. The changes proposed are being made to allow us to apply to become a charity as suggested by the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia recently. This has been brought on by changes made by the Australian Taxation Office which would mean we would have to pay taxation on our income. If you have any questions, please ask.

Good News

All single membership applications and renewals from July 2024 are reduced to $20. Now you can become a member and support our station for a reduced cost and if you choose, contribute to the functioning of the station by joining the behind the scenes crew at “the big table” in the meeting room. By supporting this station you help us to grow.

General (Public) Meeting

Wednesday 13th March 2024 upstairs in the Phoenix Park Function Centre. To discuss the future of Trax FM as a community broadcaster in our area. Come along and contribute to the discussion on our station’s future. Your input is needed to assist us to come to the right conclusions.

New Year

Welcome to the new year on Trax FM. To start off the year please welcome Wayne McKinnon back to ranks at Trax FM. Wayne was a local (until 1995/96 ) when he moved to Adelaide for work. Wayne at the time suggested Trax FM as a name we could adopt and the members at the time thought it was a good idea. To start off Wayne will be presenting a programme on Monday afternoons at 12 midday in his style of a mix of oldies and new music. A lot has happened while Wayne has been away, so he will be adapting to our equipment which did not exist when he was here before. Welcome Wayne to your new old home of Port Pirie.


The AGM will be held on Tuesday 7th November in the meeting room at the Trax FM studios

at Phoenix Park. Everyone is welcome but only full members can vote during all decisions made.

Come along and see how we are going.

GrahamJ Secretary

Open Day

Saturday 4th November is our next Open Day between 10 am and 4pm. Come along and see how the magic happens, ask questions, tell us what you like or dislike and for a gold coin donation share our sausage sizzle at 11am. WE WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU.

Last Three weeks

Well what a time we are having. First we had our state conference in Adelaide. Then came The Great Moscow Circus setting up next to our studios (they were great people) and now we have the Smelters Picnic here in Port Pirie on Wednesday 27th September. We will be broadcasting from the picnic from 9am until late in the afternoon. we look forward to seeing you there. Stop by and have a chat, we would love to see you.

Web Site

We have been working through some problems with our website. As we correct these issues the website should perform faster and the initial loading should also be quicker. Please be patient while we do this, the rewards will come soon.