Celebrations for Radio Filipino, 25 years on air, February 2020

The large crowd that travelled to Port Pirie from all over the state for the celebrations , two weeks before our first restrictions for Covid 19

27th May 2021. Main street outside broadcast, organised to help encourage the public to visit our main shopping and tourism precinct as restrictions for Covid are eased

Main street discussion on traffic, parking and ease of access issues during our broadcast
Football broadcasting from the Port Oval in Port Pirie as we resume our outside broadcasts.

And again on another occasion at the Port oval with a different crew. Our commentators are all volunteers from the public – not members of our station. They enjoy the camaraderie at these events

If Port Pirie teams are playing in Port Augusta, Trax FM is often at the Central Oval to cover the match for our listeners back home. Again all volunteers and not members of Trax FM. In Port Augusta we broadcast from the South Augusta Football Club clubrooms. As with the Port Oval in Port Pirie, the facilities are close at hand, indoors and staffed by very friendly people. Trax FM is lucky to have two great ovals from which to broadcast football.

2019 to 2021 Soccer broadcasting has become part of our regular outside broadcasts. Savoy originally asked in 2019 if we could broadcast ONE of their games sometime in 2019 and look what we have achieved together. Again as with football, commentators are volunteers, not members of Trax FM but excited to participate. Trax FM gets lots of publicity on the Savoy Facebook page for our contribution to the sport. We are part of their family. Trax FM is lucky to have the excellent facilities at the Sports Precinct available to us the broadcast Soccer
Australia Day awards and speeches are also a part or our community every January. Our broadcasts are even more important during Covid attendance restrictions, as people who are unable to attend, can listen to the many eloquent speeches from a wide range of guests.

Every Sunday night at 7pm, Trax FM broadcasts our Radio Reading programme. The readers are from the volunteer Port Pirie group Paper Talk who have been recording and posting out readings to people for over 25 years. Since July 2019 Trax FM has been broadcasting their readings on our station. When the Recorder is in recess we broadcast readings from the Adelaide Sunday Mail which has many stories that relate to our area.
In 2017 Whyalla Community Brass contacted us requesting Trax FM do a live broadcast of a celebration concert in the Middleback Theatre in Whyalla. After liasing with the theatre staff on the technical issues Trax FM travelled to Whyalla and broadcast the event. Gordon MacKenzie (pictured) producer of “Let The Bands Play” travelled from Melbourne to compere the performances.

Performers on stage at the end of the concert and broadcast. The bands that performed were Whyalla Secondary Schools Stage Band, Samaritan College Band , Whyalla Community Brass joined Port Lincoln City Band (for the evening),Kadina,Wallaroo,Moonta Band (KWM) Marion City Band (from Adelaide) and the Royal Australian Navy Band (Adelaide). Segments from the broadcast were later played Australia wide in “Let The Bands Play”

Kyah came to us as a secondary school student who needed extra experience with the German language. Her school could not offer face to face tuition in German on this particular year, so Kyah asked if she could join our German presenter Rose in the studio and get practice in speaking the language more fluently. She had no radio experience. Kyah flourished that year both in her language abilities and skills in radio presentation. She filled in occasionally for Rose when Rose was unable to present the programme. Kyah is now in university but she still produces a programme remotely from Adelaide of modern post millenium music, returning to our studios live during the holidays to rejoin Rose in the German programme and to present her own programme on Mondays. Her biggest thrill was to receive a telephone call one day from a german listener in Whyalla complimenting her on her German language. He had been listening since her first hesitant day on air, and remarked at how proficient she had become at her second language. We are proud that we have been able to provide such an unusual benefit to a member of our community.
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