Sponsorship Target 2023-2024


  • Wednesday October 16th 7pm at the studios in Phoenix Park
  • New Constitution
    A draft copy of our new constitution to be adopted at our next Annual General Meeting is available in the DOCUMENTS section of this website and also on display on the noticeboard at the studio. The changes proposed are being made to allow us to apply to become a charity as suggested by the Community … Continue reading New Constitution
  • Good News
    All single membership applications and renewals from July 2024 are reduced to $20. Now you can become a member and support our station for a reduced cost and if you choose, contribute to the functioning of the station by joining the behind the scenes crew at “the big table” in the meeting room. By supporting … Continue reading Good News
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Sponsors of Trax FM

© 2018-2024 – Trax FM Port Pirie